Thesis Advisor Not Responding

How to Deal with an Advisor Not Responding to Email

Dealing with Problems with a Thesis Advisor

A frustrating situation that you may face as a graduate student is difficult communication with your advisor. Most doctoral advisors want to help graduate students and are actively engaged in the relationship, but not all students have such a lucky experience.

Not receiving a response from your thesis advisor when you have questions is frustrating. We provide a few tips to help you try to improve your relationship with your advisor. If you're having problems getting feedback on your thesis, dissertation, or an academic paper, our professional editors can help. Your advisor may be more likely to give feedback if they're not busy making editorial changes to your manuscript draft.

1. Set up Regular Meetings

First, you can ask to set up regular meetings with your advisor, such as having a standing meeting on a certain day every week. This can help you and your advisor establish a routine. This also gives you and your advisor a timeline to focus on. For example, you can discuss completing your methods section by a certain date to give your advisor time to review it before you meet for discussion.  

2. Talk to Your Advisor

Second, you can ask your advisor what you can do to improve your working relationship. In some cases, professors feel overwhelmed by reviewing documents that are difficult to read, so having your work edited before submitting to them can help. In other cases, the professor may feel that you need to show your ability to be an independent scholar, but they may not be clear in communicating this to you.

3. Communicate

Third, you can track your communication with your advisor to have a record and see if there are any trends. Before talking to administrators about the situation, you need to communicate your concerns to your advisor and give them an opportunity to respond. The point is not to start an argument, but to let your advisor understand your viewpoint and to better understand their view. As in any relationship, clear and open communication is needed.

Although not ideal, you could talking to the graduate chair in your department to discuss strategies. As a last resort, you can ask about switching to another advisor. This should only be done after you try to work with your advisor to improve the situation. 

Why is My Professor Not Responding to Email?

Communication with your professors is a big part of growing academically and getting feedback on assignments. Therefore, it can be frustrating and stressful when your professor doesn’t respond to your email, especially when it impacts your ability to complete important tasks such as writing your thesis. Whether you’re looking for advice on an assignment or if you just have a question, good communication is important to ensure that you can meet deadlines and submit your best work.

Keep reading to learn more about why your professor may not be responding to your email, what to do if you are facing this challenge, and other resources that are available to provide you with academic support.


It can be hard to remember but professors have responsibilities outside of work too. Many professors will ask students to give a 24-hour or 48-hour waiting period for an email response to allow for work-life balance. As a student, you should honor this. If your professor doesn’t respond to you within that period, there can be a few reasons.

It’s possible that your professor is overwhelmed and may miss your email if they are receiving a lot of messages and requests. They also may just be having a bad week or have things going on in their professional or personal lives that are distracting them from work. However, you still deserve to get a response to your email and too long of a response time could cause delays to your thesis or assignment.


What to Do if a Professor is Not Responding to Email

If your professor isn’t responding to your email, there are a number of ways you can try to address this problem. You may try to send a follow up email if you don’t receive a response within one week. If your professor accidentally missed your message, this can remind them to respond to you. If your class has a teaching assistant, you could try to email them as well, as they may be able to offer you the support you’re looking for. You may also try to contact your professor through another method. You could try  attending their office hours to get help with your project or you could bring up your email after class. Your professor may not realize you aren’t feeling supported and this can bring their attention to your request for help.

For graduate students, you may try to schedule weekly meetings with your professor to continuously get feedback on your thesis. This gives a clear deadline for you both to follow, which can help improve problems with communication. If all else fails, you may want to request a change in professor or bring it up with the chair of your department or graduate chair. While this isn’t a favorable option, it may be necessary if your professor still won’t communicate with you.


How Editor World Can Help with Your Thesis

If you are struggling to get help from your professor with your assignment or thesis, there are other resources available. Editor World offers  academic editing services and rewriting/paraphrasing services to help you edit your thesis, research papers, or essays for grammar and typos. These services also include suggestions for improving your writing, such as pointing out places that need more clarification or places where your writing doesn’t flow well. This can help you complete your thesis or assignment when you aren’t getting this support from your professor.


Try Our Thesis Editing Services

A lack of communication with your professor can be frustrating and it can add stress as you get closer to your thesis and assignment deadlines. Luckily, our thesis editing and proofreading services and rewriting services can give you the support you need.  Contact us to get started with one of our skilled writers or editors today.