TypeRighter Reviews and Ratings
Thank you for you help!
Thank you so much again for your amazing editing help on my document. Your additional embellishment to my document always helps my work sparkle even more. Thank you!
Greetings Mr. James - Thank you so much for your awesome and thoughtful editing as well as your clear and concise structure. I learned a lot from your review suggestions. Thank you a lot for your significant effort and precious time. :)
Good Job! Thanks!
Thank you so much for editing my document that seemed hopelessly long and convoluted into a concise and thoughtful paragraph. I appreciate all your edits!! I love that you care so much about making my writing as strong as it can be in everything you've reviewed for me all this time. I will return for your editing services soon.
Dear George,
I need to say that I love the way you rephrased the final sentence. No words can fully express how amazing your editing is. Thank you so much for paying so much attention to my work!
Thank you for your detailed comments. It helped me a lot to understand the mistakes which I can hopefully learn from.
Nice job!!!
Thank you!
Have a great day:)
I really like TypeRighter's version, so far the best.
Thank you so much George.